Monday, July 30, 2012

Musings from A-TO-C #2: Reading Slump, No More!

Hello everyone! Welcome once again to one of my blog features. This is not a weekly meme and I will not be posting these in a consistent manner. It's more of "when I got something to say" type of thing! I might not have much most of the time but when I do, expect me to put it on under here.

So what do I have to say now? I hate reading slumps.

I know, I know. This is the type of confession avid readers like me dread from saying and I know this all too well because I really do go through it a lot. It's like some unexplainable phenomenon that seems to just come out of nowhere and bite your reading ass. Yes, laziness included but you know, even if you've been wanting to read all the books in the world but your mind just won't cooperate? Times where you go from this...

To this....

I'd read for very little to not being able to finish a book or just not reading at all when I'm in those types of phases and trust me, it can get really frustrating.

Oh Hades, I think I'm beginning to see some family resemblance.

Theoretical approaches against it:

1. Read from your comfort zone if you've been venturing out to try other genres lately.
2. Read OUT of your comfort zone if you've been sticking with the same genre for far too long.
3. Maybe read an old favorite?
4. Try reading short stories instead, less than 150 pages so you won't be too overwhelmed!
5. If you are always reading within time limits, it's easy to feel pressure which leads to stress. Remember that reading should be considered a pleasurable leisure and if anything, it shouldn't give you any bad vibes. Take your time, go with the pace you're comfortable with.
6. Don't force yourself. If all else fails, ride it out. Maybe you just need a break!

You can also check these articles posted by fellow bloggers on this:

Hopefully you guys are having a smooth take on reading lately and if not, that these tips will be some of help for you!

Till the next one!

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This blog is an award free zone. I'm very flattered that you want to honor us with an award, but with running a very tight schedule with real life and blogging, I cannot promise to reciprocate the awards.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Musings from A-TO-C #2: Reading Slump, No More!

Hello everyone! Welcome once again to one of my blog features. This is not a weekly meme and I will not be posting these in a consistent manner. It's more of "when I got something to say" type of thing! I might not have much most of the time but when I do, expect me to put it on under here.

So what do I have to say now? I hate reading slumps.

I know, I know. This is the type of confession avid readers like me dread from saying and I know this all too well because I really do go through it a lot. It's like some unexplainable phenomenon that seems to just come out of nowhere and bite your reading ass. Yes, laziness included but you know, even if you've been wanting to read all the books in the world but your mind just won't cooperate? Times where you go from this...

To this....

I'd read for very little to not being able to finish a book or just not reading at all when I'm in those types of phases and trust me, it can get really frustrating.

Oh Hades, I think I'm beginning to see some family resemblance.

Theoretical approaches against it:

1. Read from your comfort zone if you've been venturing out to try other genres lately.
2. Read OUT of your comfort zone if you've been sticking with the same genre for far too long.
3. Maybe read an old favorite?
4. Try reading short stories instead, less than 150 pages so you won't be too overwhelmed!
5. If you are always reading within time limits, it's easy to feel pressure which leads to stress. Remember that reading should be considered a pleasurable leisure and if anything, it shouldn't give you any bad vibes. Take your time, go with the pace you're comfortable with.
6. Don't force yourself. If all else fails, ride it out. Maybe you just need a break!

You can also check these articles posted by fellow bloggers on this:

Hopefully you guys are having a smooth take on reading lately and if not, that these tips will be some of help for you!

Till the next one!

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We love hearing what you think! Please leave your feedback below and I'll get back to you as soon as I possibly can.

This blog is an award free zone. I'm very flattered that you want to honor us with an award, but with running a very tight schedule with real life and blogging, I cannot promise to reciprocate the awards.